Facebook Q1 2013 Reports Rolls out in the Market

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The Social Networking Giant facebook reports its Earning Per share (EPS) 12 cents company reported Wednesday  in a Press meet at its Headquarter Menlo Park. 

The Financial Report of first quarter 2013, ie. January to March  shows that revenue grew to 38 percent to $1.46 billion as compared to the same quarter one year ago. Facebook has maximum number of mobile user, revenue collected from mobile ads is around 30 percent which is about to $375 million.

Facebook had 1.11 billion monthy active user as of march 31. It gets 665 Million Daily Active Users from the world. Mobile user are increasing rapidly. It got 751 million monthly mobile active users by first quarter's end 54 percent more than previous year. Chief Executive Mark Zukerberg said in a statement. "we have seen strong, Growth and engagements across our community and launched several exciting products."

Slides of FB Q1 2013 Earnings.

Image courtesy of Reuters
Slide Courtesy of Cnet
- See more at: http://www.nepaliblog.net/2013/05/facebook-q1-2013-reports-out-in-market.html#sthash.MUBCqfHB.dpuf


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