Top 10 Tips To Make Money with E-Book

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How to make money with E-Book is one of the most searched term by people seeking to make money online. Writing an E-Book is not difficult. Anyone with good command over English and having some skills can write his/her E-Book.
So today I will tell you how you can make money with E-Book. What are the requirements of writing an E-Book and easily you can write an E-Book.
But before you move on here is a brief intro of E-Book.

What is an E-Book:

E-Book or you can call it Electronic Book is a book that people can read on their Computers,Smartphones and on tablets. These boos have grown a lot during past 4 years and thus has increased the chances of making money with it.
In my next post I will write on how easily you can create your own E-Book. But today you will read how you can make money with E-Book.

Make Money with E-Book:

Before you make money with E-Book,you will need to do a proper research on the topic you are going to write your E-Book. Unless you don’t the demand of your audience you can’t write a successful E-Book. So here are some tips to keep in mind before writing E-Book.

Make Money with E-Book using these tips:

1)Keyword Researching:

Before you will write your E-Book,search for the keywords that describes your E-Book best. Do use those keywords in your E-Book’s title. By using proper keywords you may get more audience towards your E-Book.

2)Use an Attractive Title:

This is an important thing. Dealing with title of your E-Book is very important. Title is an oxygen for your E-Book. People will buy your book if they something interesting in its title. So carefully choose a title and use it in your E-Book.

3)Proper Description:

Writing a proper description is as important as writing an attractive title. Describe your E-Book in 250-450 words. Don’t make it too long or too short!

4)Design a Cover:

Designing a cover for your E-Book is also important if you want to make money with E-Book. You can get a beautiful cover for your E-Book from Fiverr for just $5.

5)Buy a domain and host :

It will look more professional if you will have a dedicated website for your E-Book. Get a domain for your book. Don’t buy a long domain. Host it on any trust able web host. You can add a sales page on your website so that people can buy it from there

6)Use Amazon:

Millions of people use Amazon. You can sell your E-Book there. Due to massive number of buyer you can expect sales of your E-Book.

7)Use Clickbank:

You can also add your E-Book in Clickbank’s marketplace. Increase commission rate of your E-Book so that more affiliate marketers will promote your product.Thus it increases chances of more sales.Hence you can make money with E-Book using Clickbank.

8)Secure Payment:

If you are not selling your E-Book on Amazon and Clickbank then you must provide your buyers a secure payment method so they can buy your E-Book without feeling any kind of insecurity of their online accounts.

9)Promote Products on Forums:

There are several forums on Internet that gets thousands of visitors daily,one of them is Warrior Forum.I spend most of my time there. You can buy their membership account and start promoting your E-Book.
I have also maintained a list of  Top 20 Money Making Forums where you can also promote your E-Book. Choose a forum according to your niche.

10)Advertise your E-Book:

You also buy ad space on different websites to promote your E-Book. You can also use some cheap CPC programs to advertise your E-Book.

There were the tips for today that will help you to make money with E-Book.Keep sharing.


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